BC Assessments will be coming to your door in the next few days. Click here to learn how to pull up your BC ASSESSMENT
With this free site you can look up home values of properties anywhere in British Columbia.
BC Assessments will be coming to your door in the next few days. Click here to learn how to pull up your BC ASSESSMENT
With this free site you can look up home values of properties anywhere in British Columbia.
Those who know my wife and I know that we love history and nostalgia. From clothing, music, cars all the way to architecture, we are drawn to sights and sounds that have stood the test of time. When moving from Vancouver to the Okanagan we were looking to purchase a flat top or Spanish Adobe style home to renovate. With the needs of a young family we ended up in a 50s bungalow that we are in the midst of renovating.
I get this question every week, “what is your best rate for a second mortgage”. The answer is not simple to answer as one might think.
In determining the best rate 2nd mortgage as a Mortgage Broker there are a few pointed questions I must know:
B-Lending Mortgage s are coming back into fashion with mortgage lenders. What is B-Lending you may ask? Well B-Lenders are banks or other financial institutions that offer mortgage products outside the standard guidelines of TDS GDS ratios & credit qualifications. They permit stated income products that A-Lenders have for the most part backed out of & will accept low credit scores at great 1st mortgage rates.
I recently turned 40 & KAPOW! IT HIT ME.
How am I going to retire and how do I stack up against others my age? This led me, like many of us, to Google.
The first thing I ran into was “The Millionaire Next Door” the basic principle to determining net worth has a pretty straightforward calculator:
Safety Accord what does it mean to you and will it change your buying habits? Here is a little food for thought next […]
Learn how you can baby step your way to mortgage freedom saving thousands of dollars in interest in the process. A Scotiabank’s Mortgage Landscape Study, almost 2/3 of mortgage holders agree they could make additional payments to help pay off their mortgage faster without impacting their lifestyle. It can take — only an extra $20 a month.
Most Canadians have now crawled out of the winter months to find their homes or patio in need of cleaning, repairs, or total renovations. I know the spring bug hits me very hard each year in terms of DIY projects around the house, but none more than outdoor improvements.
How To Build A Website There comes a time for some of us when we need to build a website, or in my […]
The latest rate setting by the Bank of Canada, once again, maintained the benchmark at 1%. It has been there for two years, the longest run ever without a change. Still, Governor Mark Carney continued to express the Bank’s desire to move rates up as soon as possible. That position seemed to take another hit when the Chairman of the U.S. Federal Reserve indicated The Fed was prepared to hold its borrowing rate at 0.75% to 2015 if necessary.